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Email Marketing

One of the oldest ways of digital communication, but still one of the most effective. In fact, email marketing beats out social media, SEO, and affiliate marketing. It's one of the most effective channels you can use to advertise your business. If you're not sending emails, you should be!




Most owners send us (via email) the info they'd like to use in their email and we format it to look more professional. We can add images, photos, GIFs, videos, buttons, links, etc. with a call to action (email us, sign-up here, learn more, etc). 

If you don't have an email program you currently use, we can get you signed up! We recommend Constant Contact. We are impressed with their customer service, their platform is user-friendly, and well, it's what we use to send our emails! 

Once we have your email(s) ready to roll, we'll send you a proof, then you let us know if you want any changes and when you'd like the email sent! For an additional (minimal) cost, we can go in a few days later, segment the email, and send it again to non-openers. So anyone that didn't open it the first time, gets it sent again to them!

Watch their tutorials on YouTube!

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